Hello All! Happy New Year!
I have to admit, I’m a big fan of resolutions. I see great value in identifying flaws in ourselves and pledging to improve. As you can see from Swiftpage emarketing
Thoughtspot archives, we’ve had a hard time getting our newsletter sent out each month. Not for lack of trying, or understanding the importance of keeping in touch with our contacts, but as many of you can relate, we just ran out of time or resources and the newsletter fell by the wayside. This is no time for excuses; it’s a new year, a fresh start. Therefore we want to take this opportunity to work towards better marketing practices in 2011. We’ve come up with a plan for improving in the upcoming year that we’d like to share with you, so we can all become better e-marketers, one monthly newsletter, promotional campaign, or event invitation at a time.
Here’s to starting the year off right!
Lindsey Weinig
Sr. Marketing Manager
7 Steps to Newsletter Success
Strengthen your customer retention and conversion rates through the use of E-newsletters. Get started today with these strategic tips for a year of e-marketing success.
1. Scheduling Shmeduling
First, consider your audience and their schedule. Based off of the information you know about them, you can determine the dates to avoid, including national holidays, common vacation times and industry-related events. When your contacts are out of the office and their inbox gets packed full, the likelihood of them opening your email is greatly decreased. For example, if you are sending to government employees... continue reading > |