Swiftpage emarketing
Happy Birthday to Swiftpage emarketing
’s CEO, Bob Ogdon!
Sage E-marketing
We are excited to announce our newest addition to the Sage E-marketing family! Sage E-marketing brings the power of email marketing to a new set of Sage Software products including Peachtree Accounting, Non-Profit Solutions, Simply Accounting and Construction and Real Estate.
Start a 60 day free trial today to see just how compatible Sage E-marketing is with your existing software!
Welcome Swiftpage emarketing
are excited to welcome our newest batch of summer interns! Our Sales,
Support, Marketing and Quality Assurance teams are now more productive
than ever with new interns hard at work. We can't wait to see the
positive impact these fresh contributors will have on innovating our
business. |
At the Summit
What is the best birthday gift or surprise you've ever received?
"A 2-hour flight lesson." - Michael B
"Nuggets vs Cavaliers basketball tickets, LeBron James is my favorite player." - Michael S
"A sister. At the time I didn't think it was a great gift, now I can't think of my life without her." - Audrey H
"Luggage for my 18th birthday... I took the hint! But being serious, my dad sends me flowers every year." - Kassi J
"Best birthday gift - I found out I was pregnant on my 26th birthday." - Jesse M
"6 Years old. Hungry Hungry Hippos. Still the world's greatest game." - Dan O
Aunt arranged for me to have the day off work and surprised me with a
night at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast with my favorite cousin." - Becky
"Las Vegas!" - Amber F |