$165.00/month |
$110.00/month |
$33.00/month |
Free |
Campaign Filtering: Email Stage |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Campaign Filtering: Call List Stage |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Campaign Filtering: Database Fields |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Email Stage Plan & schedule email blasts to send over time |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Call List Stage Auto-create a call l ist from previous email blasts |
Yes | Yes | Yes | - |
Postcard Stage Auto-send a contact list to your postcard provider |
Yes | Yes | - | - |
Letter Stage Auto-send a contaact list to your direct mail provider |
Yes | Yes | - | - |
Fax Stage Auto-send a contact list to your fax provider |
Yes | Yes | - | - |
Telemarketing Stage Auto-send a contact list & survey to your call center |
Yes | Yes | - | - |
Export Stage Export contact list for internal processes |
Yes | - | - | - |
Transfer Stage Transfer contacts between campaign sequences |
Yes | - | - | - |
Review Stage Auto-pause a campaign sequence until release |
Yes | - | - | - |
Need additional Drip Marketing users?
Each additional Drip Marketing user costs $10.95 and must also be a regular Swiftpage emarketing
user. Team Accounts get 2 Drip Marketing Users with the purchase of any Drip Marketing service level.
Free Drip Marketing
Each Swiftpage emarketing
account receives a free version of Drip Marketing. The Free version gives you the ability to have 3 campaigns running at once and load 50 contacts into each campaign.