Swiftpage Thoughtspot

Featured Article
3 Ways to Get Your MBA in Link Usage

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Bright Peak
Branded Templates
by Bright Peak

Swiftpage emarketing News
Women in Technology

At The Summit
Play Time - Favorite Gadgets

Upcoming Live Demos
Getting Started with Drip Marketing

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- Top 3 FAQs
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What's Buzzing

The Trigger Email
(r)evolution: 9 naive questions
via Email Marketing Reports

Even the Smallest Things Can Build Your Business
via AllBusiness.com Small Business Blog

How-To Increase Relevance: Integrating Drip Marketing
via MarketingSherpa


Hello All!

One of the most valuable benefits of Email Marketing is the reporting data provided after your email send. This month we’re reiterating the importance of links and how to best utilize your reports to gauge your email marketing success. Since graduation season is almost upon us, Get Your MBA in Link Usage with our three straightforward steps. For more detailed information on everything you need to know about Email Marketing with Swiftpage emarketing basic templates check out the Complete Guide using the Basic Editor.

Another underutilized (and highly valuable) Swiftpage emarketing feature is Drip Marketing. Download our new free whitepaper, Automated Marketing - Practical Scenarios to Get You Started, to realize the benefits of Drip Marketing for your business.

Start strategizing your spring promotion!

Lindsey Weinig
Director of Marketing

3 Ways to Get Your MBA in Link Usage

Some E-marketers send email blasts with reckless abandon; blindly hoping that since they are sending email messages they will surely see the ROI that comes along with Email Marketing. Don’t be one of these E-marketers. While in some cases simply sharing information is a valuable practice, it should not start or end there.

M - Maintain Benchmarks

Define success for your email campaigns. Use your open rate, click rate and other data from previous sends to determine what is ‘average’ for your business. From there you can set your goals for improvement. Keep in mind that interest levels can be measured by the way your contacts interact with your message. Opens show your contact was intrigued by the subject line or initial impression...

Continue reading the article >



Marketing vs. Service Messaging

Good vs. Bad Content

Swiftpage emarketing has a new look, a new homepage


Top 3 Support FAQs

1What does this error message mean: "Error: There was an error retrieving account information ..."?

1Does Swiftpage emarketing check for

1Why are my emails not being received by my contacts?

Learn more at our E-marketing Education Center >

Bright Peak Logozbranded Template

Branded Templates by Bright Peak

Customer response to Branded Templates by Bright Peak has been tremendous. Christopher Tonello of Hillcrest Landscape Supply had this to say:

"This was one of the easiest transactions I have had in ten years of business. Not only were our email templates great, but the whole process was easy and quick. I am giving your name out to all my landscape customers who use email marketing."

Thanks, Christopher! Are you ready for Bright Peak to create your own Branded Templates? Learn more and order today!


Live Demos

Swiftpage emarketing News

Women in Technology

On Wednesday, April 20th President Obama held a town hall meeting at Facebook headquarters to discuss his vision for critical investments in education, innovation and infrastructure. These discussions are deeply rooted in his Startup America partnership to ensure high-tech startups have the necessary resources to thrive.

Swiftpage emarketing is excited to announce that we have joined 5 other Colorado companies in the National Center for Women and Information Technology’s Entrepreneurial Alliance as a part of Startup America. The nonprofit coalition’s goal is to increase women’s participation in technology and computing.

Downloading Swiftpage emarketing ?

As you may have noticed, Swiftpage emarketing has an updated homepage at Swiftpage emarketing .com. With our new sign up process and website updates, our download page has become a later step in the sign up process. If you are having trouble updating your Swiftpage emarketing plug-in for our Sage integrations visit our download page by clicking here.


At the Summit

Play Time - Favorite Gadgets

This month Swiftpage emarketing employees shared their favorite gadgets. Aside from the iPhone (because it does everything but provide sunblock!), the top contenders were:

"My camera - I love being able to capture memories to reflect on later."
- Jessie M

"Espresso machine. Making the perfect latte adds a drop of joy to my day when I have the time." - Audrey H

"My waffle iron!" - Katie S

"Wine opener and aerator." - Kassi J

"iPad - Angry Birds is awesome"
- Michael S

"Xbox Kinect - Dance Central baby!"
- Annie C

"iPad, I now read at least twice as much as I ever did." - Bob O

"Favorite knife that I use daily while mastering my chef skills." - Luke S

"Definitely my digital camera." - Ryan S

"Kindle." - Aaron S


Get Delivered - Be Content with Your Content

Your email content can help ensure your email message is delivered successfully so keep these few tips in mind.

  • Use simple HTML
    Avoid too many images, tables, or links can make your HTML structure too complex and therefore less likely to get delivered.

  • Use Links
    Swiftpage emarketing does not allow attachments
    because they are marked as SPAM.

  • Avoid FTP Links
    Stick to http, or https links only to avoid
    this common SPAM trigger.

For more information on Deliverability view this feature tour >

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