After passing the Drip Marketing Certified Consultant tests, DMCCs will have the proper accreditation to take to their clients in confidence to establish long lasting on demand marketing, sales force automation, and marketing automation relationships. These relationships will be established with CEO’s, Directors of Marketing, and Directors of Sales, and they will continue when they see your knowledge of a product that will change the way they do business. Whether consulting old clients or new, being a DMCC will help in setting a precedence that you are the authority when it comes to Email Marketing and Marketing Automation.
1. The DMCC accreditation seal to be used at your discretion for promotion and authoritative prowess.
2. Your logo on the public DMCC webpage that we promote for you – Swiftpage emarketing Technical Support and Sales Reps will point clients that are looking for hands on help to this page. Think Yellow Pages for email marketing and marketing automation help.
3. The ability to create your own billable hours based upon your knowledge and creative expertise – the time you spend with a client to build a Drip Marketing Campaign specific to their needs can add up.
You are already a valued consultant, so why not give them one more reason to seek out your knowledge and expertise. They need it. They’ll pay for it. With the DMCC program you can build it.