Results Tab - Track Your E-mail Blast

The following picture shows Sage E-marketing for ACT!, numbered with corresponding explanations.

email tab

  1. Get Results: After you send out your E-mail blast, data is brought back into each contact's history. This data includes a score, status, and open and click data. Get Results allows you to save these items to your existing contacts ACT! history.

A pop up will appear that tells you how many updates you are about to download. Clicking “Yes” will access your account on the servers and download your results.

You will then be notified about how many scores were successfully retrieved.

    1. The results are then downloaded to your ACT! database. Note: depending on how many updates there are to be written to your ACT! history, this process can take a while. When it is finished, a confirmation will appear.
    2. You are finished! You will notice that history records have been updated, as has the Email History section.

  1. Reports: Gives you access to your Online reports. These includes open & click reports, schedule E-mail blast reports, submitted, opt-out’s, unsent, bounced, invalid and all account level reports.
  2. Reports are generated on an individual or email blast basis and are represented by a bar graph. Individual analytics can be viewed and then sent to you as a .CSV (Excel) file. The reports are generated in real time, so if an email is opened and clicked-through tomorrow, when you go back to look at your reports, the results will have updated and changed because of the new actions.

    Choose the individual or campaign email that you want to view. Select the time filter to find your email, select the desired email and then click the View Report button at the bottom of the screen (see below).

    Definitions of Reports:

    Submitted: The total number of email addresses that were submitted for the send.
    Sent: The total number of emails that were sent from our servers.
    Unsent: The total number of email addresses that were not sent due to being a duplicate, invalid, 3 Bounce Suppressed or opted-out.
    Bounced: The number of recipients whose email addresses bounced back.
    Unique Opens: The number of recipients who opened up the email. Unique refers to the first time a contact opens an email.
    Unique Clicks: The number of recipients who clicked on at least one link in the email. Unique refers to the first time a contact clicked on link
    Total Clicks: The total number of times any of the links were clicked on within any of the emails sent out.
    Forwarded: The number of times the link, “Forward to a Friend” at the bottom of a email was clicked on
    Viewed as Page: The number of times the link “View as a Web page” at the bottom of an email was clicked on. People usually click on this link because they are receiving the email as plain text (i.e. with no graphics) because of their email settings.

  3. Account: Gives you access to your Sage E-marketing for ACT! Account Information. Click here to upgrade your account, or to add an additional UserID. To add a UserID, you must have another ACT! user in your database.