Article: Post Purchase Sequence


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Post Purchase Sequence

You've put a lot of time and expense into getting customers and your first post-purchase contact is a critical one. Do you use this correspondence to demonstrate how your services are even more valuable for your client than they thought? This is where you can say thank you, introduce helpful information to meet their changing needs or to solidify the value of your services.

Below is an example of how a retailer might use Drip Marketing to introduce cross selling opportunities and begin building a long term relationship with a client:

Day 1

Marketing purpose: Thank you email and survey

What to include: Avoid going directly to the customer's wallet. Instead, review refund policies and ask them to participate in a feedback survey. Be sure to include a telephone number to encourage communciation.

Day 14

Marketing purpose: Helpful hints and testimonial(s)

What to include: Reassure their confidence in their purchase by giving a balanced view of the product, emphasize desirable characteristics and provide a benefit comparison analysis over other products.

Day 30

Marketing purpose: Tutorial and cross-sell

What to include: Think about cross-selling related products, but remember to focus on giving good content. The general rule of thumb is 80% content and 20% sales in any given message.

[Call List]
Day 32

Marketing purpose: Call interested prospects from cross-sell email

What to include: Get a list of those who open and clicked your cross-sell email.

Day 45

Marketing purpose: Product updates and helpful hints

What to include: Invite them to a webinar giving tutorials of new features of new features or invite them to an in-store demonstration.

By keeping in touch with your customers and understanding their needs and preferences, you build a relationship with them and increase the chances of them becoming a long-term customer.