Article: Customer Welcome


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Customer Welcome

You have put a lot of time and expense into obtaining customers and your first post-purchase contact is a critical one.

You can use your initial communication with new clients to thank them for choosing your business, cross-sell other products and services or provide helpful information as you anticipate their needs.

Below is an example of how a retailer might use Drip Marketing in their initial contact with new customers:

Day 1

Marketing purpose: Welcome Email 1

What to include: Avoid going directly to the customer's wallet. Instead, review refund policies and ask them to participate in a feedback survey. Be sure to include a telephone number to encourage communciation.

Day 20

Marketing purpose: Hints and Tips Email 1

What to include: Reassure their confidence in their purchase by giving a balanced view of the product, emphasize desirable characteristics and provide a benefit comparison analysis over other products.

Day 30

Marketing purpose: Upgrade Service Level 1

What to include: Up-sell related products, but focus on good content. A general rule of thumb is 80% content and 20% sales in any given message.

Day 32

Marketing purpose: Upsell Postcard

What to include: Get a list of those who didn't open or click your cross-sell email and send them a postcard.

Day 50

Marketing purpose: Hints and Tips Email 2

What to include: Invite them to a webinar that gives a tutorial of new features or invite them to an actual in-store demo.

Utilizing the opportunity to communicate with new customers will help solidify your relationship with them and increase the likelihood of keeping their business.